Monday, April 4, 2011

Declaration of Independence

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one person to dissolve the comfort bands that have connected the with childhood, it is required that one take a leap and fly all on their lonesome out to the legendary land of big, pretty, white, steepled buildings reflected in bodies of water and do a grown up job without being paid. While it is self-evident that not all internships are created equal, it can only be hoped and not guaranteed that life, liberty and the pursued happiness will result . . .

So here's the gist: I have now officially accepted my offer to intern at the LDS Office of Public and International Affairs in Washington D.C. Yay! I'm pretty excited about the opportunity and will beginning temporary adulthood for 3 months in approximately T-minus 20 days. Here goes nothing!

P.S. please note that I have now posted 2 days in a row on this thing. Gold Star for me :)

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