Saturday, November 6, 2010

We're Really Bad Eggs

Ahoy me Hearties! I be back to me bloggin life to tell ye 'bout the great, grand adventaaaar that is me a workin' me keester off wit me matey, Lassie Katie, at them thar Polynesian Cultural Center. We ne'er see a day off, no nay ne'er, not e'en it be the ev'nin of the Hallows. 'Ass rye, we be workin' when the rest o' ye scurvy skallywags be out' a beggin' fer yer treshar. But we has oursel'es a fine right load o' booty wit th' pearls we be peddlin' t'th landlubbers 'n' gen'lemen o' fortune fer ther wenches that they be obliged to spend ther las' doubloons on b'fr any swashbucklin' be hap'nin. It ain't work work fer th lilly-libbered but it be a sweet trade 'ndeed.