Q: Does your Daddy really call you Bruce?
A: Yes!  He does!  To read more about why click here.

Q: Wait, so where are you?  Where is home?
A: I started this blog when I left on a study abroad to Austria in Spring of 2010 and have kept it going on all of my adventures. I grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada, but I am currently a student at Brigham Young University Hawaii, so I'm living the dream on the Island of Oahu.  I have also spent summers interning in Washington D.C. and at Walt Disney World in Florida, so you will most likely see those places called "home" as well.

Q: Are you are Mormon?
A: YES!  True blue, through and through.  To learn more visit mormon.org

Q: I enjoy reading your blog.  Do you have work published elsewhere?
A: Well thanks!  I enjoy writing it.  I have recently been writing for my school's news publication.  It's AP style news writing, so it's not always the most exciting to read, but it's written all proper like, like this blog is often not. Click on the Ke Alaka'i tab for links to some stuff I've written.  Maybe someday I will have more links for you to check out my stuff!

Q: Where are you? It's been awhile since you've posted?
A: I know, I know.  Unfortunately, I am not the most consistant blogger in the world.  A good blogger would post of a regular basis or on a schedule so readers knew when to check in.  You see, I have these things called responsibilities that keep me pretty busy (school, work, school, church, school, staying alive, friends, family and school) so updating my blog isn't usually my first priority.  Someday, I will be able to give it the attention it deserves.
*side note:  I love taking photos, but I'm terrible at actually pulling out to document stuff.  So often I think, "Oh I should blog about this, but I don't have pictures!" I'm a visual person so often times I wait to post about stuff I have pictures for. Lame? maybe.  But true