Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thanks and Thankfulness

This year I was thankful for whoever turned in my lost iPod Touch so that I could capture my rather delightful Thanksgiving and Facetime with some of the family so I could be there vicariously. Mahalo!!!!
Dinner (more like lunch, but dinner sounds better) Number 1 with the 2nd Ward
I am thankful that Thanksgiving in Hawaii includes sunny beach time

2nd Thanksgiving Dinner with an Emu turkey cooked underground Hawaiian style

My contribution to Thanksgiving dinner. I made this salad. . . sort of. . . I put the ingredients given to me in a bowl. But it tasted dang good.

Feast number 2
Pretty pie. And pretty good too.

Perhaps the best part of my day. One of my favorite things in the world is take me, myself and I to a good movie. So I did just that. I ended my lovely day with the lovely movie Tangled. Seriously, so adorable. Great day!