Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Baby Love

this weekend i met my new nephew.
he's perfect.
i'm obsessed. 

Daniel Bryan Klemm

Friday, December 30, 2011

Holiday Magic

The best part about flying standby during the holidays and getting stuck in airport for three days is that when you land at LAX (with a dream and a cardigan) and finally accept the fact that you will not make the final connecting flight to Vegas your parents call to say they drove from LV to come pick you up and you get to sleep in a bed that night after all.  And then when they actually show up, they have your two sisters with you and announce that they are taking you to Disneyland the next day.  That is happiness.  Seeing Disneyland at Christmas time has been on my bucket list for far too long and it was great to check that one off the list.  They do it up right around there.  It's a Small World gets 10x happier (which I didn't think was possible) and the Castle is gorg (not that you can tell from my crappy photo, but I needed some proof) and they even make it SNOW on Main Street after the fireworks.  And despite the bajillion and a half people that were there (I've never seen a Disney park so crowded) we still got to ride Indiana Jones TWICE!  It was a lovely "Welcome back to the Mainland" indeed.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Whacha Doooin'?

So, here's the thing.  I have a love/hate relationship with Zooey Deschanel.  I know everyone thinks shes the cutest, greatest, trendiest quirk there is, and don't get me wrong, she's cool (there is a love part of this love/hate thing) but she can kinda  bug.  I mean, I liked She&Him for a grand total of one song one time and then it just got annoying.  Maybe it's the entire blogosphere attempting to be her little cookie cutter minions that drives me nuts, I don't know, but I'm just can't seem to keep myself on the band wagon.  Joseph Gordon-Levitt, however, is a different story.  I adore him!  All of him!  All the time!  And plus a majority of the love that I have for Zooey comes from the fact that I love 500 Days of Summer, where she starred alongside JGL.  And what?! He sings?  Sorry, this video is adorable. I just had to share it.  I love M. Ward like crazy, but its only with Joe that I seem to be able to understand the obsessive ZD love.  Plus this video is super festive!  So . . .  what are you doing New Years Eve?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Aloha Oe

Oh my tears and sadness! In just a few short hours I will taking the dreaded drive down town for the last time in the foreseeable future. This is a problem you see, because Laie has been my home for the last three years and I don't like the idea of not knowing when I will be coming back. This week has been nutso, but in the midst of all the crazy finals and preparing to leave stuff, I managed to make a last few memories on this beloved isle.

Eliza, Eevanna and I took a trip up to the North Shore for the Pipeline final on Saturday.  Somehow, it's when I have the most to do in the least amount of time that I manage to do something awesome even though I should be studying instead.  Procrastination in my main motivator to find something fun to do.  Plus, like I'm going to miss Pipe when I'm 15 mins away.  Please.  
Please note how I'm making the same not smiling face in all of these pictures.  I'm not sure where this pattern came from, but alas . . .

Just pretend i'm smiling and look happy, cause I am.  Two Aussie men surfing crazy waves . . . seriously.  I was happy :)

My last Sunday in Hawaii I got some more leis and took a another awkward picture.  You're Welcome.

And of course the face changes when it comes to food.  True tragedy is the thought of not knowing when the next chance I will have to eat a Kahuku Grill cheeseburger or Hukilau Cafe Chocolate Chip Pancakes.
Sniff.  Tear.  Frowny Face.

But, of course, I put my studies first always.
Perfect last day at the beach can not be ruined by chinese flashcards

No matter how hard they try. Wo bu xihaun xuexi zhongwen.
The aftermath of this weeks cramming.

Oh Oahu, I am going to miss you and the life we've shared.  It's been real. Mahalo.  Now I'm going to stop before I cry.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

This one time I studied Photography in Europe . . .

And this was my homework:

Way better than writing a 20 page paper analyzing the negotiations that ended apartheid in South Africa, which I am currently procrastinating.

I should just buy a camera (instead of using my iPod all time) and take lovely pictures.
These were all taken on my $200 point and shoot I purchase after my other camera was stolen in Italia. And I don't have US charger for it and don't think I've used it since. Someday I will own a decent camera.
If only.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How to Conjure a Patronus . . .

. . . think of a powerfully happy memory . . . Got it! (See following post for details)

I think I can safely say that I have the best job on campus. In addition to getting paid to go to events and interview interesting people and then write about it, the Ke Alaka'i (the BYUH news where I work as a multimedia journalist) recently sent a lucky few of us to Orlando for a college journalism conference. Lucky for us, however, we were still left with plenty of time to go on adventures. We spent a few days at Disney World (of course, like I wouldn't go back home to visit), but most importantly, dear old Charlie, (gosh I love the kid) made sure we got to go to Islands of Adventure, particularly, THE WIZARDING WORLD OF HARRY POTTER!!! We rode dragons and broomsticks and shopped in Hogsmeade. It was wonderfully happy. As usual, I was to busy having fun to whip out my camera, but my iPod managed to document a few magical moments of that day. Check it out:

Charlie was spending his day "hanging out" with Sam I Am, so of course, we went to visit him. He is oh so talented.
Eating at The Three Broomsticks was easily the best part of my day. Seriously amazing. And the Butterbeer! Oh the butterbeer! Oh the odes that were inspired by that delightful stuff. For those of you that have yet to experience this splendorous treat, make it a priority in your life. It's not beer at all, but like a butterscotch cream soda with this extra magical whipped topping. And get the frozen one. You will die. Pretty sure The Mirror of Erised will show me with a lifetime supply of the stuff.

*photo from my last Orlando adventure with Charlie and Sari*

And . . . I have no more photos for you. Yes, sad. I feel like i just cheated you out of all of the fun by robbing you of more delightful documentation. Sorry 'bout it. Guess you will just have to live out your own Harry Potter adventure. Also, I think I am now inspired to do a nostalgia post about the good old days working at WDW. So stay tuned.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

True Americans

The impossible has been achieved. Twice. First of all, Taeler & I talked Alex Allred into sitting through a sporting event on his beloved Fourth of July, & Second of all, the experience was documented & successfully shared so we could remember the experience. So, 3 months later, I thought would share with you just a part of our epic Washington D.C. Independence Day. Check out the video below of that beloved experience.

I think Alex actually enjoyed himself too. He had no idea what was going on the entire time. He kept asking what color costumes our team was wearing & when intermission was. We tried to teach him slowly. The concept of the day was "full count" & I think he almost understood what that was by the end of the game. Sadly, the Cubbies lost, but I feel like my first Cubbies experience wouldn't have been totally authentic had they won.